Business Data Protection
Ensuring your business survives any disaster threat
Everyone knows the importance of protecting their data. What many don’t realize is that while the chances of a major disaster are quite remote, the majority of data loss is the result of small, localized problems – hard drive crashes, lightening strikes, theft as well as accidental employee deletion.
What’s Your Plan For Disaster Recovery?
Most business owners can’t answer that question. Of those who can, the answers we’ve been given are alarming – tape backup, external hard drive, redundant drives, ect. Any one of those methods are open to complete failure, theft and any number of immediate threats. A proper disaster recovery plan should be bulletproof – allowing your business to continue functioning in the face of insurmountable disaster.
A proper disaster recovery plan should not only include on-site backup with off-site replication, but should also detail how your employees will access the information, where a temporary office will be located, how you’ll communicate with each other and other critical factors to enable you to continue operations.
Downtime Costs And Statistics
Based on a business with 25 employees, an average annual salary of $35,000 per employee, annual revenue of $1,000,000
and the assumption that the downtime only affected 70% of the company